

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm


Your Industrial 机器人 and Automation Lab

Step inside the 自动化与机器人中心 and you can see, 听到, 感受这种可能性的嗡嗡声. 学生之间的互动, 教练, and state-of-the-art equipment creates an energetic and robust 行业4.0学习环境.

As Iowa’s first and only learning center of its kind, you can access equipment built with the same standards used in the field, alongside rock-solid theories you’ll take onto the floor and into your career.


To succeed in industry, learn the ideas behind the levers and wires. Experienced and knowledgeable trainers teach you the theory you need to confidently work with equipment in the field.

Your training may include classroom as well as lab time, with interactive online lessons and in-depth sessions with an in-person instructor. In this open, industrial setting, all the learning spaces flow together. Your classroom takes up one small corner of the second floor, and it opens fully into the lab learning area.

The large lab area flows from the classroom through dozens of focused learning stations, 通过小组自习室, 绕着教官的桌子, 进入机器人实验室区域. You have room to spread out and collaborate, 尝试解决方案, and to test yourself at the workstations or in the computer lab.

即使你不在实验室里, you can work on our interactive eLearning curriculum, 可用的24/7. Each certification is competency-based, which means you work as fast or as slowly as you need to understand the concepts and apply them with skill.

Discover how all those systems seamlessly work together (and how to fix them when they don’t).

Learn and Work on 行业 Standard Equipment

在自动化和机器人中心, our training environment replicates the industrial environment that you will work in or that you are already familiar with. This is an open lab concept, with flexible spaces organized by equipment and task area.

To ensure you are technically competent and confident in your career path, you’ll train on modern equipment that is industry standard.




  • 基本测量仪器
  • CADD软件
  • 带铣刀的数控培训机
  • PLC电机控制学习系统
  • PLC项目站,Micro 810
  • PLC软件
  • 便携式PLC系统,AB53A


  • 交直流便携式
  • 便携式电继电器
  • 电气制造
  • 电气制造1
  • 电气系统
  • 电气布线学习
  • 电动液压站
  • 故障处理系统
  • 电机制动系统
  • 运动控制训练系统
  • 低压起动系统


  • 液压便携式
  • 移动工作站
  • 气动便携式
  • 便携式气动学习


  • 点燃课程1实验室
  • 点燃课程2实验室
  • 点燃课程3实验室
  • 闭锁停止按钮学习
  • 手动工具
  • 零件储存站


  • 应用电子传感器
  • 电子传感器封装
  • 激光扫描仪组件
  • 激光轴对中
  • 传感器的教练


  • 测量站
  • 索引站
  • 机械传动1
  • 机械传动2
  • 机械传动3
  • 机电一体化条码学习
  • 机电一体化人机界面终端
  • 机电一体化学习系统
  • 机电一体化网络安全
  • 机电一体化RFID, AB L16
  • 机电一体化视觉检测
  • 机电一体化无线AB
  • 取放喂食站
  • 分拣及排队站
  • 桌面机械. 站1
  • 桌面机械. 站2
  • 桌面机械. 站3
  • 桌面机电一体化智能
  • 罐子站


  • 机器人应用工作单元
  • 机器人
  • 伺服机器人分析站
  • 技能的老板
  • 技能的老板
  • 智能工厂以太网
  • 智能有限公司. 沟通
  • 智能有限公司. 执行系统
  • 智能有限公司. 视觉传达
  • 智能机器人工作单元
  • 智能传感器,电流学习
  • 智能传感器,Photoeye Learning
  • 智能传感器,位置学习
  • 智能传感器,压力学习
  • 智能传感器,堆栈灯
  • 智能传感器,超声波
  • 智能传感器,真空学习
  • VFD PNL, AB Powerflex 4



  • PLC和HMI教练
  • Connected Smart 制造业 Training System (CSM)
  • AM-CERT细胞
  • MTEC-SIM基础单元
  • Six Axis 机械 Robot — P-CRX10A-RMPVT-V
  • Fenceless CR-4iA R30iB Mate Plus Controller Collaborative CERT Cart
  • Fenceless ER-4iA CERT Cart for Material Handling (MH)


  • 标准数控模拟器


  • 立式数控铣床
  • 紧凑型数控车削中心
  • Low-inertia CNC Machine with Metal 3D Printing


Electric Motor Control and Electronic Systems

  • Electric Motor Control (85-MT5): 6 seats
  • Electric Motor Control (85-MT5-A: 6 seats
  • Electric Motor Control (85-MT5-B): 6 seats
  • Electric Motor Control (85-MT5-C): 6 seats
  • Electric Motor Control (85-MT5-D): 6 seats
  • Electric Motor Control (85-MT5HSL): 6 seats
  • Electric Relay Control (990-EC1): 6 seats
  • Electric Wiring System (850-MT6B): 6 seats
  • 电子传感器(990-SN1): 6座
  • AC/DC 电气系统 (Virtual Trainer Enabled) (T7017-A): 6 seats


  • 机械传动1 (970-ME1): 6 seats
  • 机械驱动2 (97-ME2): 6个座位
  • 机械驱动3 (97-ME3): 6个座位
  • Mechatronics (Allen-Bradley CompactLogix L16/Studio 5000) (870-AB53A): 8 seats


  • 气动:6座
  • Basic 气动 Troubleshooting: 6 seats


  • 便携式测量工具:1座
  • Portable PLC Learning System - Allen Bradley CompactLogix L16: 6 seats
  • Portable PLC with Troubleshooting - Allen Bradley CompactLogix L16: 6 seats


  • Smart Factory Device Learning System - Allen-Bradley L16, Stack Light (87-SN4AB53A): 1 seat
  • Smart Factory Sensor System - Allen-Bradley L16, Analog Position (87-SN7AB53A): 1 seat
  • Smart Factory Sensor System - Allen-Bradley L16, Analog Pressure (87-SN9AB53A): 1 seat
  • Smart Factory Sensor System — Allen-Bradley L16, 电 Current (87-SN6AB53A): 1 seat
  • Smart Factory Sensor System - Allen-Bradley L16, Photoeye (87-SN3AB53A): 1 seat
  • Smart Factory Sensor System - Allen-Bradley L16, 气动/ Vacuum (87-SN1AB53A): 1 seat
  • Tabletop 智能工厂以太网 - AB Micro820 (87-TENAB82): 1 seat

Simulation, 电脑ized and Motorized

  • 激光轴对中 (97-ME2A): 6 seats
  • Pegasus Robotic Simulation Software: 1 seat
  • PLC Motor Control (A-B Micro810) (85-MT5AB8): 6 seats
  • 住宅布线(T7021): 6座
  • 电脑-Aided 制造业 1: 1 seat

Tour the 自动化与机器人中心

Reach out to set up a tour of the 自动化与机器人中心 by completing the form below, 发邮件我们, 或者拨打319-296-4447.

所有标有 * 是必需的.



滑铁卢,IA 50701


电子邮件 the 自动化与机器人中心


319-296-2329 ext.3004
